Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Descent into the Maelstrom

You won't hear from me much in the next few weeks. I've just completed the first exam-hurdle in my scholastic marathon - the neuroscience practical. It was 84 questions, covering the entire semester up until now, and you know what? It wasn't that bad. Sure, I busted my butt to make sure I knew everything, but I think this one will turn out ok - it feels like a good start. Now I'm back at my favorite study space, getting ready for the histology and anatomy practicals tomorrow - it's like I'm girding up my loins for battle. And a battle it will surely be - there are 8 more to go. At the risk of sounding pompous, it's a little like Hercules' tasks. I can't remember any except for the hydra, and I'll reserve that particular metaphor for something that bats me around a bit more. However you say it, it's going to be a rough few days - it's go time. Time to get down to work, time to focus like never before. Sink or swim, it's time to dive into the maelstrom.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

just wanted to say I love your quote at the top of your page. I'm looking into anesthesiology, so I admire your passion about your calling.