Monday, September 28, 2009

Step prep day 26

Still here. Still studying. Not doing a whole lot else.

You know, there's a drawback to getting more sleep than I'm accustomed to. There's a certain amount of deprivation that goes on during the general schedule of things, due to classes and having to be places on time and such. When it comes time to buckle down and study for an exam, I tend to regulate my sleep fairly religiously - the brain consolidates info better, and I just do better. An unintended consequence of this, though, is that my creativity seems to go into overdrive - sure, I can study, but I quickly find myself distracted by all the books I want to read and possibly write; I'm overwhelmed by all of the escapist pursuits I just didn't have the energy for previously.

Do you want to know how boring I am right now? I bought some starch for the first time the other day (anyone who knows me is wondering why I haven't done this sooner). The hi-light, though, is not the new crispness of my shirts, but it's how I picked out which brand. I was standing in front of the display at Winn-Dixie, looking back and forth between three or four different brands. Usually, I check the prices first; I assume most products to be fairly similar, in our economy of competitive capitalism. But then something caught my eye - I was reaching for the cheapest one (I figured starch was something to skimp on if ever there was such a thing), when I realized that there was one brand that was almost gone from the shelf. All the other brands were stacked out to the edge, but I had to reach way back in for this one. Thus, I decided that it was the one to get - clearly, folks who bought starch bought this starch. There are tons of possibilities to explain the relative scarcity of that brand compared to the others, but I'll just choose to believe that it's because it's been proven to work.

Physiology is almost done; I'm going to be getting into the interesting stuff soon.

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