Monday, February 2, 2009

You know...whatever...

I have been immersed in the pathology of hearts and lungs. Pharmacology has grown more esoteric, and isn't nearly as pleasant as it was - more esoteric and somehow more pertinent; these are the drugs people actually use. EKGs actually are really interesting. Microbiology is in full swing - I love the names: Bordetella sounds like "bordello". I have decided that Seven Pounds is one of my favorite movies of all times, and that, in order to become a film critic, you have to have failed miserably at something very meaningful in life (because they're all stupid and wrong). I have rediscovered the music of Yasunori Mitsuda, and am eagerly awaiting amazon's or iTunes' uploading of Roberto Cacciapaglia's Mp3s. This is all just as well, because I also have not only my first big test of the semester in a week, but I'm also going to the hospital tomorrow to practice some of what I've learned I'll have to do a serious write-up, while studying for the test. I've decided not to be a head-TA - I don't want to do all of the administrative work. I am, however, already elbow-deep in showing new kids the wonders of the branches of the external carotid artery. And the band played on.

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