Monday, October 19, 2009

A Precarious Position

Today's step prep day 47 - it's our day off, so we ran some errands, squeezed in some gym time, and finally confirmed our official testing date (it all goes down 11/19/2009). I just finished the pharmacology review, and am all set to start pathology tomorrow. I still want to review the pharm, but I've hit a dangerous period in my studies - that place where I'm just tired of it. The last time this happened was somewhere around 4th semester, after an unrelenting onslaught of shelf exams, and - if I recall correctly - just before the microbiology shelf. I was trying to use every second to force myself to study, but something in my brain shut down and decided that I needed to spend the day watching free-running on Youtube. Luckily, when that hit me last night, I saw it coming. I'd wanted to review a bit today, but since I haven't, I won't beat myself up over it. A cold front blew in yesterday (it's down in the 60s now....I don't know what's going on), so we didn't go sit down and read by the pool. Partly to save my eyes the strain, I did, however, sit with Nicole and watch an episode of Brothers and Sisters and one of Private Practice. Then I watched Adaptation.

Hopefully the fire'll be back tomorrow. It's kind of not an option.

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