Monday, October 26, 2009

It's getting better

There's something wrong when a significant increase in the quality of life comes with dogged study of stomach and colon cancer. However, that's the case - I was in a funk, plodding through pharm, and hoping fro some respite from the tedium. Finally, I started path - this is the fun stuff about the basic sciences. I've got about a month left in this run, and once I finish the path, there will only be behavioral science and review work.

I've decided that my new favorite show is ABC's Flash Forward. The show centers around this global blackout in which everyone glimpsed a few moments of their future in 6 months. It's been alright up to now - I need explosions and shooting to balance the drama of Gray's Anatomy and Brothers and Sisters - but the episode I watched yesterday (Gimme some Truth) may be one of my favorite episodes of any show ever. It was done so well, I might watch it again.

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