Thursday, April 10, 2008

Prove you know something.

I've got a histology practicum AND an anatomy practicum today - it's going to be interesting. While I feel very prepared for both, there are still a few things I need to review. I guess I'm lucky that (1) the histology practicum is first, starting in about 45 minutes, and (2) I have some time to go over things for anatomy, since we'll all be sequestered while people are tested in groups. Maybe it's a mixed blessing that I'm in just about the last group to go (the practicum begins at 1:00, and my time is something like 4:24), but at least I'll have time to sit and go over radiographs and splanchnic nerves.

I was in the dissecting lab last night going over some of the mediastinal structures, and as we moved down the body going over nerves and arteries and muscles, a peculiar thought hit me - thank GOD I didn't go to podiatry school. For one thing, feet are very low on the list of cool things about the body, and for another, I'm so much happier to be here than there.

The next 2 weeks are going to be the most intense I've gone though thus far, but there will be many, many more times when I'll be called upon to prove that I actually know something - guess I oughta get used to it.

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