Friday, June 26, 2009

In Hindsight....

I wasn't thinking clearly - I jumped on the "cardiac arrest" bandwagon. The layfolks out there don't really see a difference between cardiac arrest (when your heart stops beating), myocardial infarction (the death of cardiac muscle, most commonly due to coronary blockage), and sudden cardiac death (death due to cardiac problems without prior warning signs). I was thinking about it today after our test, and I realized something - everyone who dies has cardiac arrest. The fact that that was what was reported does not mean that the cessation of his heart's beating caused him to die, as it sounds like in the media.

When we think about cardiac related causes leading to death in a 50 year-old black man, several things come to mind. First, being black is a risk factor. Next come obesity, diabetes, smoking, atherosclerosis, drinking, etc - all things that contribute to general cardiovascular disease. However, the King of Pop wasn't fat, nor was he - as far as we know - diabetic or in possession of any serious genetic risk factors. His parents and siblings are still alive, and if there was any familial link there, we'd know.

When we think about death in celebrities, however, our differentials shift completely. They tend to either die when they are old, as most people should; they die violently, in accidents and such; or they overdose. If, in fact, his death was related to heart problems (that no one seems to know about), and drugs, cocaine is known to be a serious cause of myocardial infarction in young folks.

Know what I think happened? I think the King of Pop has always been a little eccentric; while being incredibly talented and arguably the best and most beloved entertainer this side of antiquity, he probably wasn't entirely in touch with reality. Perhaps he signed up for all of those shows, thinking it would be fun - you know, recapture some of his former glory (because the last few albums he released were nowhere near as hot as Thriller). However, perhaps he then became overwhelmed with this 50-show prospect, and decided that life wasn't worth living anymore. I think he had his doctor, whom no one can find, helped the King of Pop end his life - and that we'll have a very interesting tox screen reported over the next few days.

Perhaps, though, it was just an accident.

I also grieve that we aren't grieving more for Farrah Fawcett. She was kinda hot back in her day; she did a lot for cancer

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hmmmm.....yes Michael was probably very removed from any kind of normal reality, but cmon now son i don't think his life ended by assisted suicide if that's what you were implying. I think he probaly just took one too many prescription pills and probably did take even more as a result of the stress from his upcoming tour as you referred to.

p.s. but if your theory does turn out to be correct.....scandalous! lol