Harlingen vacillates, between mid-December flip-flop weather - sunshine so bright it makes the asphalt look white and perfect strolling temperatures, and this dreary grayness that spits rain like a leaky faucet and is just cold enough to be uncomfortable. I think it's because of where we're situated geographically; the winds change frequently, and it seems like we get a different cold front coming down from the north every other week, punctuated by the regular south-Texas warmth. Today is dreary, but at least we had a nice Christmas yesterday - it was warm and sunny, and after opening present i spent the rest of the day in the kitchen, cooking up rice with pimientos, sweet potato soufle with marshmallows, green beans and broccoli (not in the same dish), roasted pheasants, white-tail deer tenderloin, honeyed ham, and wasail punch.
Now, I've got little to do but await contact from the administration. I've submitted my preliminary requests for third-year clerkships, and have been assured that all of my placements will meet Texas requirements. I suppose I should start gathering information and figuring out exactly what will be required of me, and exactly how I can go above and beyond that - I could be wrong, but based on what I've heard about some of the students, and what I've seen in my own colleagues, it will not be difficult for me to out-work the people sharing rotations with me. Perhaps the greatest advantage I have other them, though, is that I've lived with a doctor for 18 years - my father and I bonded over reviewing his procedures. That being the case, I know that it really pisses doctors off when they feel like they have something to teach you, and it's obvious you want to be somewhere else. I have done well in the basic sciences, but I am going to shine on the wards.